Yummy Tidbits for WordPress Owners
An essential ingredient in your marketing is a dynamic website which is built on php, for example a WordPress or Joomla site. Congratulations, if you have already done this type of site. For those of you who have not what are you waiting for?
Today’s gift is for those of you with a WordPress web site. Here are 10 quick ideas to boost engagement with your web site.
- 1. ShareThis plugin with the counters displayed. Research demonstrates that showing the numbers of shares does increase participation.
- 2. Top Contributors plugin rewards your fans. Everybody likes recognition.
- 3. Ask people to comment. So simple yet effective.
- 4. Respond to comments made on your site. Remember to say thank you. Encourage questions. Be polite to those who disagree with you.
- 5. Keep content fresh with a publication schedule that you can stick to. (Not some harebrained idea like the 24 days of Christmas either.)
- 6. Use your blog area for whatever is appropriate, ever-changing information for you. It does not need to be an article.
- 7. Display your latest tweets on your site. Not on twitter, then see number 8.
- 8. Include a twitter feed using a relevant hashtag to your site. A hashtag is a # with a keyword associated with it. Every tweet that uses this hashtag will be streamed to your site.
- 9. Incorporate your FaceBook Fan page comments in your posts.
- 10. Comment on other blogs and forums with a link back to your site for more information. This can be an excellent source of new and interested visitors. Please, refrain from being a Sam Spam.
The whole reason behind a dynamic web site is to deliver fresh content that your customers want. Let me know how these work for you in the comments.
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