6th Day of Christmas
Find The Pain Points Yesterday was all about discovering the customer’s experience with you. You may have been surprised to find that you were the one who inadvertently put up barriers to doing business with you. I’m sure you found several areas where your customer’s perception was not in alignment with yours.

5th Day of Christmas
Think Like Your Customer Yesterday was all about discovering your customer’s perspective. If you did a thorough job, you may have found that some of your assumptions were spot on, while others were wrong. The art of branding is aligning the customer’s perspective to yours.

4th Day of Christmas
Are You Talking to Me? Yesterday, I brought up an important point — that not all customer relationships are the same, and should not be treated as such. Knowing precisely who is your customer, and why, paves the way to a better relationship. The problem with being too focused on only one type of relationship […]

3rd Day of Christmas
Know Your Customer Yesterday, I asked you to think about the emotional satisfaction that you provide to your customers. That exercise unearthed the roots of your corporate perspective. Today it’s not about you; it’s about me—your customer.

2nd Day of Christmas
Brand > logo For many, to “brand” something is to put a logo or mark on it. They are correct up to a point but a brand is greater than a logo.

1st Day of Christmas
Through out this past year I have met quite a few entrepreneurs, who like myself have “Do It Yourself” marketing, sales, operations and accounting. Therefore each of the 24 days before Christmas I’ll be sending a little present from me to all of you DIY’ers. I hope you’ll find them useful in your marketing efforts next year. To my fellow colleagues please share your expertise in the comment section. To one and all enjoy.