Style Points
Hopefully, with the 19 presents you have received so far you are feeling more confident about your marketing abilities. Not once have I mentioned design, or logo, or colors, or the size of a button. But now we’re getting closer to show time, so these last few days I am going to concentrate on polishing your presentation.
Looking over my portfolio, you will see that I have a certain style. That may or may not be yours. The look and feel of your digital presence should reflect you or your company. Yes, the extreme of this is logo police, but we have all experienced the confused impression left by corporate schizophrenia. Your goal is to generate an impression that is consistent.
On Day 11 you were given a ticket to visit your outposts. During your inspection of your outpost, you should already have made up a list of repairs or possibly decided that new construction is required. Your gift today is a makeover.
Begin your makeover by gathering up into a folder your logo, even if it is a simple typeface of your company name. Have both a vector and dpi format such as .jpg or .png. Confused about this then read this article.
Prepare a document listing each of your corporate colors in CMYK, RGB and Web code, for example: A bright red would be in CMYK: 13C, 100M, 84Y 4K; RGB: R204, G0, B51 and Web: #CC0033. This article also covers color mode.
Gather up into a library the best quality and highest resolution possible of every photo or illustration you will be using in your marketing materials.
Prepare well-written copy describing your company, your bio and your products or services.
Have a quality portrait of yourself to use on your about page and on forums. Also have an avatar for your company and one for you personally. Please don’t hide behind a corporate avatar when you should be speaking personally. Remember, people buy from people.
Here are instructions to personalize your presence on the most popular social sites:
Instructions on how to customize are here and this is a free .psd background template.
Here are instructions on how to customize your profile on the LinkedIn blog.
This TechCrunch article is a roundup of the best options out there and costs.
Has step-by-step instructions starting here.
Every site that you have an outpost has hidden someplace within it the information to personalize your profile. Customize each of your outposts to reflect your brand to make sure you are branded for success in 2011.
Please, share your experiences and thoughts.