23rd Day of Christmas
Customer Service Most of my experience is in corporate communications where high value is placed on each relationship, as opposed to selling a low-cost item to the mass market. I build my marketing strategy upon customer perception, so customer service is the cornerstone of my marketing efforts.

17th Day of Christmas
Your Communication Mix Over the past several days, you should have gotten a really good idea of who your customer is and why that person IS your customer. You should have a damn good idea of where you stand in the marketplace. By now you are sensitive to your customer’s experience.

16th Day of Christmas
Who Do You Love? Well, it had for damn sakes better be your most loyal devoted fans. They believe in you. They trust you. They forgive you when you make mistakes. They talk about you in glowing terms. They are your best advocates.

15th Day of Christmas
Turn Your Thinking Around Customers don’t come to you. You go to your customers. I have been saying this since day one: it is not about you, your product or your services. They will not buy from you just because you want them to. It is all about what you satisfy emotionally in the customer.

13th Day of Christmas
Robots Are Not Customers Do you become panic-stricken because your web site is not in the top seven results on Google? Are you trying every SEO “trick” and “tip” you can lay your hands on?

12th Day of Christmas
Testing, Testing, One Two Three… I have yet to meet a small businessperson who does not love to talk about their business. Not those of you who are temping as self-employed until your next employer. No, those of you who are passionate about what you do. Even when you are bone weary or have had […]