24th Day of Christmas
Recipe for Success This is the last of my branding presents for all of you “Do It Yourself” marketers. I put down in writing my approach and thinking on branding. Small business owners and entrepreneurs, you are the backbone of your communities and the driving force in our economy. You are the people whom we […]

22nd Day of Christmas
Shortcuts and Cheat Sheets “Ah, finally,” you say. But come on, you should be wise to me by now; nothing has been easy. Daily you engage with web-based applications. Yet many of you are confused about the mechanics behind how they work.

21st Day of Christmas
Attention-Grabbing Emails Back on Day 18 I asked you to prepare your email marketing strategy and your list. Day 19 I introduced the concept of using your site as the hub, and yesterday you received the instructions on how to brand your outposts. Each of these is critical to the success of your email marketing […]

12th Day of Christmas
Testing, Testing, One Two Three… I have yet to meet a small businessperson who does not love to talk about their business. Not those of you who are temping as self-employed until your next employer. No, those of you who are passionate about what you do. Even when you are bone weary or have had […]

5th Day of Christmas
Think Like Your Customer Yesterday was all about discovering your customer’s perspective. If you did a thorough job, you may have found that some of your assumptions were spot on, while others were wrong. The art of branding is aligning the customer’s perspective to yours.

4th Day of Christmas
Are You Talking to Me? Yesterday, I brought up an important point — that not all customer relationships are the same, and should not be treated as such. Knowing precisely who is your customer, and why, paves the way to a better relationship. The problem with being too focused on only one type of relationship […]