19th Day of Christmas
Looping The Conversation You may have heard industry pundits advising you to loop the conversation. Then they will go on about keeping it real and relevant. You, meanwhile, are still scratching your head over what in the world you are looping, let alone its relevancy.

17th Day of Christmas
Your Communication Mix Over the past several days, you should have gotten a really good idea of who your customer is and why that person IS your customer. You should have a damn good idea of where you stand in the marketplace. By now you are sensitive to your customer’s experience.

15th Day of Christmas
Turn Your Thinking Around Customers don’t come to you. You go to your customers. I have been saying this since day one: it is not about you, your product or your services. They will not buy from you just because you want them to. It is all about what you satisfy emotionally in the customer.

11th Day of Christmas
Road Trip! LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube and Flicker are a few of the large social sites that combine with your industry and local sites to become the foundation of your online community. These sites are your marketing outposts. This is where you go to develop and deepen relationships with peers and customers. You go there […]

6th Day of Christmas
Find The Pain Points Yesterday was all about discovering the customer’s experience with you. You may have been surprised to find that you were the one who inadvertently put up barriers to doing business with you. I’m sure you found several areas where your customer’s perception was not in alignment with yours.

5th Day of Christmas
Think Like Your Customer Yesterday was all about discovering your customer’s perspective. If you did a thorough job, you may have found that some of your assumptions were spot on, while others were wrong. The art of branding is aligning the customer’s perspective to yours.