4th Day of Christmas
Are You Talking to Me? Yesterday, I brought up an important point — that not all customer relationships are the same, and should not be treated as such. Knowing precisely who is your customer, and why, paves the way to a better relationship. The problem with being too focused on only one type of relationship […]

3rd Day of Christmas
Know Your Customer Yesterday, I asked you to think about the emotional satisfaction that you provide to your customers. That exercise unearthed the roots of your corporate perspective. Today it’s not about you; it’s about me—your customer.

1st Day of Christmas
Through out this past year I have met quite a few entrepreneurs, who like myself have “Do It Yourself” marketing, sales, operations and accounting. Therefore each of the 24 days before Christmas I’ll be sending a little present from me to all of you DIY’ers. I hope you’ll find them useful in your marketing efforts next year. To my fellow colleagues please share your expertise in the comment section. To one and all enjoy.