And additional information was requested. Quicken Loans (QL), how many times have you seen their ads on TV or in various magazines that they are the most efficient and customer-friendly company on the market today. As a business major, I am appalled by this tactic. I could have worked with other institution on the refinancing with better results. After I had told them specifically not to run my credit because I was still checking, they sent this letter saying they are unable to offer me financing. We argued with them to try to get our money back, but that fell on deaf ears. Not only is their request impossible, quicken loans refinance I have to wonder if it is legal. As you can imagine, the loan did not close or even come close. Documents were resent and resent and resent, being told we were about to close and me reminding them over and over that they haven't sent an appraiser out to the house yet, how can we close. Maybe they shouldn't have approved me to begin with. I, too, contacted Quicken to do a refinance of my mortgage at a lower rate as advertised. In the end, he quoted me $2900 for closing cost and asked for my credit card for the appraisal. A couples of weeks later, I received a new good faith estimate where I can see that my closing fees is going to be now $2,055.57 on the loan they added private mortgage insurance (which I am not paying with my existing loan) and my monthly mortgage payment is going to be $92 more what I am paying now. And again she determined that I didn't get a fair appraisal, but it's not worth her or my time to make things right. On September 25, 2012, 5 days before we close on the home, they notified me of a new condition. To the uninformed consumer, the information provided by your expert may sound good and feasible, but that is exactly the reason the country is in the state it is currently in - deceptive tactics. We had a very easy refinance, which should have been finished in less than 45 days, but the incredible incompetence, ignorance, unskilled/untrained employees, rudeness and ineptness was unbelievable. Build equity fast Refinancing gives you options. Once the appraisal came in lower, stopped communicating altogether. Catalog For Metro Bank Credit CardI received my good faith estimate where I can see that with the new rate, I can save $84 a month and that I will need to pay only $200 deductible fee. When we bought the place, the agent said it had been on the market for one day and we were the second offer already. Big news on the mortgage rate front today, and some of you might not be happy about it. We too looked at Quicken Loans, not to refi but to purchase a new home. I asked for a copy of our appraisal and had to wait over a week with no return calls. Whatever the reason to refinance, our loan experts will match you with the perfect mortgage. I had these figures verified by two other companies and they both stated that I would be close to saving the amount I quoted her. The appraisal came in at $24,000 less than it was 3 years ago. Everything you read on complaints concerning customer service is true. Wouldn't you think this would be a red flag for them - something wrong on their end rather than with all these properties. As someone else on here said, once you get to the solutions consultants and the underwriters, you can hang it up. Quicken made lots of promises, all costs rolled into the mortgage, would be less than $2,000 since I had a lender's credit for my escrow account. Maybe, just maybe, they should have told me this a few weeks ago. I had another local "certified" appraiser review mine and he found many mistakes and found 3 better comps. I gave you the letter saying they took less. From that point on, the handling of the loan was like dealing with a crack addict - meaning everything was late on their end, but an emergency for. I was not told this whenever I called to get information regarding an FHA streamline refinance. All was going well, and they quickly billed my credit card for $500, until my appraisal came in. After asking for $400 upfront to continue, I told him that I was going to shop around to see what other rates I could find. After seeing the wonderful commercial on TV, I went to the site and began application. Nobody ever calls when there's a problem. Because of the delays, the taxes were paid by my current servicer, but the closing costs only dropped by a small amount. Toyota Innova For Sale Davao RegionCompare balance transfer credit cards with uswitch balance transfer deals. And if what they are doing is somehow legal, it sure the heck is a far cry from professional. After we bought it, we put $20K in PV solar panels on the roof, tore off the siding and gave it an attractive stucco, built a 20 x 40 greenhouse, planted over 100 fruit trees, and added a professionally built, completely separate 2-bedroom guest house, with a 2-car garage, for my elderly mother to live in. The banker I dealt with agreed with me about the home inspection versus appraisal. We have since moved on to a different quicken loans refinance company with a better reputation. Use these handy tips to estimate the cost of building your new home. She stated that this would lower my percentage rate by a quarter of a percent and would save me about $90 a month. Plus they use local appraisers which is greatly advantageous. I am very dissatisfied with Quicken Loans and I decided not to refinance my house with this company. They preapprove me, and with 30 seconds left in the third quarter, they change the rules of the game on me and ask for something that is impossible for me to provide. Your fixed ARM term has ended If the fixed term for your ARM has ended, you can lock in a lower refinance rate. I applied for a home refinance through quicken loans. FHA Loan Insured by the Federal Housing Administration, this mortgage allows you to refinance up to 97.5% of your home's value. How much money do you have in your checking account. Once we moved to the solution consultant, it was terrible; apathy, incompetence and perhaps even bias. Should You RefinanceTomorrow is supposed to be quicken loans refinance my scheduled closing date. After providing this info, do you think quicken loans refinance Quicken would give me a rate quote. I checked 3 times last week, wanting to make sure everything was still good. Motor trend s auto classifieds helps you find pre owned new york cars for sale in. All I wanted was a rate based on information I gave, assuming what I said was true. Yeah, but you could've typed that prove it. Like the others, our appraisal quicken loans refinance was a joke. Quicken Loans, your commercials advertise that you are engineered to amaze. I contacted several companies to shop around. Use the loan amortization schedule calculator to estimate your monthly loan. These people are paper pushers only - there is absolutely no customer service whatsoever during any of the many phases of their loan process. You will not hear from them for several weeks and then they are still at stand still. You can extend or shorten the life of your loan depending on your needs. Is this week a better time to refinance than last week. If we sell it, let me tell you, we will make $200K on it and it will be gone in a week. Usda offers some the lowest rates of any bank of america usda interest rates loan, and you will always have a fixed. Okay, now that you jumped through all that, prove that the monies came from your account quicken loans refinance not with a transaction history, a statement unless it's signed in blood by your bank. Really, I am not going to write with a 10-page blow by blow account of the refinance because it would become redundant because of so many other stories. Get off your next online loan at cashnetusa. Now get this, remember what today's date is, right. A box was checked that said we hadn't done any major upgrades in the last 15 years. In December 2008 and again in June 2010, I chose not to make their ridiculous deposit. I guess they were just calling me a liar. How odd that in a relatively stable home market, my home lost fully one third of its value according to the appraiser that was sent to my home. This appraiser spent no more than 15 minutes at my home, measured nothing, and didn't even look in some of the rooms. I've gone to a local loan company and will have to pay for an appraisal again, but at least I'll get someone who is familiar with the area and is a certified licensed appraiser and a lower interest rate. Quicken Loans is an unresponsive machine with horrible customer service. Certainly the process is different from years past. On a scale of one to elementary school student finding out that there’s a snow day, I’m sure you’re probably sitting toward the latter. So rather than allow me to determine a path to success, they determined and pushed me to the path of failure. I felt pressured by one of their senior power bankers to provide SS numbers to run a credit check and I declined. Consolidate debt The interest on a mortgage is simple—and often tax deductible. According to the weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey from Freddie Mac, mortgage rates took a jump for the third consecutive week, and who knows if rates will fall again to the levels of three weeks ago. If you are taking out a loan to purchase something that has significant resale value, such as a house, Quicken's house account type will also create an asset account to track that resale value. Take our advice - Stay away from Quicken Loans. Our credit history is not the problem, never has been. I had so many things arranged and scheduled for this weekend that are counting on the closing tomorrow. My accountant just laughs at them because they don't know what they are asking for. I will not do business with anyone who is telling me I am not speaking the truth. |